
Personal individual outline lesson plan project
¾     Age: This is for eight years old.
¾     Year- group: 2nd Primary
¾     Level of English:  Basic English (A-2). Our student are so young They haven’t got enough vocabulary, for this reason, They have to know and understand the familiar words related with mammals animals as well as habits, costumes or food for example.
¾     Special needs: No
¾     Social context there is a class of 19 pupils, these students don’t have problems, this group is very sociable and they like to participate in the different activities that you propose.
¾     Family: There are different types of pupils with different families’ structure like divorced, married


Learning outcomes/ evaluation criteria
·         The purpose of this lesson is to examine the animals (mammals),
·         Determinate the similarities and difference between each, where they live.
·         Their particularly characteristics.
·         Using the vocabulary to describe pictures
·         know the abilities of animals

subject content
·         Classify animals between wild or domestic
·         Vocabulary related of mammals
·         Animals characteristics
·         Observation different picture and their characteristic

Eat, walk, run, jump, food, tail, legs, grow, domestic, wild,


Do you like animals?
Have you got animals at home?
Which is the meaning of “domestic animals”?
Describing and analysing these photos in this blog.
Read text.
Composing different writing text.

languages skills
Speaking, writing, listening, reading
contextual culture
Domestic animal aren’t the same Spain  than England or Japan


Different vocabulary words about the characteristics animals like habits, food, types....

Also they have to write the name of the animals.

Read the story and classify the different word underline nouns, verb, adjectives, the red underline is the words that you have to search in a dictionary.
(in pairs)

You have a paper with mammals characteristic but the paper is rush so you have to guess or complete the phrases.
(in groups of three)

There is a piece of paper about mammal’s information so in groups you have to recompose the origin information.

(in Groups of three)


organization class/ distribution /timing

Depending of the activity you have to work individually, in group, or in pairs.

These activities last around one hour so it takes ten minutes per exercise.
But the time is depending on the students you can adapt the time if it is necessary.

Texts, sheets, picture of mammals, webs, blogs.

key competence
Communication with languages
autonomy and personal initiative
Cultural and artist competence.
Knowledge of an interaction with the physical world.


Individual work
all questions answers is correct
most question answer
not all answer
very few answers
Individual explanation
Everybody understand you information well
Relatively well understood
Partly understood
Nobody understand you.
relevant information is correct
few mistakes in the information
incomplete important information
many mistakes
Group work
everybody collaborated
not much collaboration
some collaboration
no collaboration
Very well organization
The information is clearly organized
The information  is more or less organized
Information is messy

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